Stellaris flak vs pd. True?Ok so point defense weapon can shhot down missles. Stellaris flak vs pd

 True?Ok so point defense weapon can shhot down misslesStellaris flak vs pd The base tech cost of t2 PD and Flak was 6000 before the rework, and Torpedoes are still 5000

Flak is about half as effective, per slot, as anti missile/fighter PD but has enough range that multiple ships can cover eachother. However, strike craft are also much more "expensive" in terms of hull space - an H slot is equivalent to an L slot, four times the size. armor: 2. 0. 5 days. #1. Fleet comp would be something like: Battleships (X-slot Tachyon + 4x Kinetic Artillery) Cruisers (Torpedo + 2x S Autocannons, 2x PD + H, 2x PD) Flak and Point Defense do the same damage and are equally decent for general damage. If you go with hangers, the starbase will likely lose regardless of enemy ship configuration, because strike craft. There was also fairly vague statement to the effect that. ago. So once you get flak artillery do you use flak exclusively or do you run with a mix of the PD series weapons and flak?Technically PD guns -should- do this. 9 for THE META. Flak vs. Flak guns apparently shoot down strike craft, which I could care less about since they are useless. Computer/Position: Rear Support. It would be the same reason why no one uses PD or counter-missiles in EvE Online since it's 1:1. GW/SC/PD/Flak Wonk. With flak it about 25% effective. 3. 3 vs. True?A couple of weeks ago I asked about the differences between the PD series (from the physics branch) and Flak series (from the engineering branch) of piont defense weapon systems. 3 Flak guns to take out a size4 Hangar). You either have "enough Point Defense/Flak Cannons", or "Not Enough". True?Im aware that all around flak is the better choice But anecdotally it seems the PD handles missles a lot better than the flak. My PD theory is usually 50/50 balanced between flak and anti-missile pd turrets. . You probably know point defense weapons are best for missiles and flak weapons are best for strike craft, so keep in mind if you already have some hangers in your fleet you can probably skip the flak and focus on point defense. 30 Range is very low. a significantly more efficient flak, or make flak autonomous as well (with more ammo instead of charge) #9. I won with 35k left. AI spend nearly 30% of the total fleet on corvettes, and another 30% on frigates. So it's my understanding that PD works better against missiles because of higher dps and no evasion on the missiles and Flak works better against strike craft because of high tracking against high evasion. 4% effective increased HP). These deal -50% damage to shields, so they are highly ineffective. If it only 2 cells it will be more logicalStellaris. One poster had stated while in the past Flak Artillery was unambigiously the best PD weapon system in the game. Currently Flak is generally more useful than PD due to better tracking. Furthermore, the snowball-behavior of Carriers (ie: Strike Craft being effective vs not being effective) is difficult to predict and understand. Technically PD guns -should- do this. 10-20 Cruisers with 5 flak batteries will protect 200k fleets completely from non swarmer missiles / photon torpedoes. This why we calculate eDps and run tests. Flak is about half as effective, per slot, as anti missile/fighter PD but has enough range that multiple ships can cover eachother. PD simply cant keep up in a target rich environment unless they are stacking PD, and in that case they are neglecting other weapons to do so. A carrier hanging back for its hangar's range,while having PD and Flak, and a cruiser with long and medium kinetics and lasers sitting at medium range. hes now at. Both have the same Accuracy. NMCs have more Evasion, which may make them less juicy of targets than SWMs for occupying PD, and two S-slots would output 10 NMCs over the same 4. True?So it's my understanding that PD works better against missiles because of higher dps and no evasion on the missiles and Flak works better against strike craft because of high tracking against high evasion. One poster had stated while in the past Flak Artillery was unambigiously the best PD weapon system in the game. The results of each action are based around. Energy weapons can be divided into 4 categories: Anti-Armor, Anti-Hull, Anti-Shield and Penetrating. The Flak does quite a big chunk and at longer range but only every 3 seconds (roughly). It cannot cover entire fleet. Has anyone had an AI using Interceptors or Missile Boats early on? Or is it only on Captain and below? Maybe its better in higher difficulties? This makes early. In Stellaris there is only ship design and fleet management. Meaning you do only 25% damage vs shields, which means all enemy ships effectively have 4x shields against you. Hangar weapons nerf due to losing point defence capability. 3 rework. Torpedos and missiles have good tracking so they are a general exception, they are countered primarily by PD and strike craft, secondary by Flak and sometimes shields (missiles only). #9. The only way around that is to screen them with Swarmer missiles, but this strategy is only really worth it for full missile fleets (and is the only way they can compete at all with PD/Flak) Energy Torpedoes can't be shot down and are useful for everybody as a. Checking AI fleet comp, and build there are 2 possibilities. Amoeba: 1-4 vs 50=12 shots at max damage. Once AI gets pd, Swarmers are generally within reach, and by the time there are full-blown pd destros, you can often get Swarmers. 1-3 vs 50=16 at max damage. Flak should not be conducted without acknowledging the rest of weapons "balance" / 'meta" Strike Craft is the superior version of Point Defense/ Flak and Missiles. Corvettes are always useful for guided weapons. lil less damage sure but you gotta hit in the first place to do dmg lol Against anything bigger than Fighters both PD types are useless. If there's no bombers - PD can't deal to ships, while. PD do more damage (tier 3 they do 7. Destroyers are more flexible compared to Corvettes. Don't believe PD counts as lasers in the code, so no additional bonuses from the laser +dmg/+ias techs or module. H-slot is a fair replacement for Flak; PD does okay vs. but they don't. In lategame when AI got all weapons on peak level will just smash the stuff together randomly. . Flak guns apparently shoot down strike craft, which I could care less about since they are useless. Flak is useful against close range strike craft. One poster had stated while in the past Flak Artillery was unambigiously the best PD weapon system in the game. So one weapon we can scratch from the list. Unless Autocannons are simply going to ignore the strike craft and target actual ships. A couple of weeks ago I asked about the differences between the PD series (from the physics branch) and Flak series (from the engineering branch) of piont defense weapon systems. Pretty sure flak is better. but they don't. PD is better against non-moving targets than Flak. list of current FE designs - fresh from a new 1. ago. 75 - (60 - 50)) = 2. Assuming late/end game tech: If you're facing PD targets with high evasion (strike craft) Flak mounted on line AI ships (for RoF buff) has the highest effective DPS. Tactical lasers with IPDAI are also pretty great for point defense. Galactic Paragons is available here. While PD/Flak are improved now, they are very much "all or nothing". Both have 0. IIRC there is currently a bug where one of the computers uses median weapons range instead of longest weapons range, which would cause ships with f. Also if the design process going forward is streamlining things - the whole Flak-PD thing seems like a candidate for chopping down to one component that shoots missiles and strike craft. The Flak does quite a big chunk and at longer range but only every 3 seconds. Im aware that all around flak is the better choice But anecdotally it seems the PD handles missles a lot better than the flak. When deciding between energy PD (EPD) or kinetic PD (KPD), you're mainly looking at the target's evasion. 16 Badges. Picket+Tachyon Sensors will bring PD tracking up to the point where strike craft evasion is effectively nullified. Lets spawn the Scourge and Unbidden at the same time and see what happens. Missiles start with 0 Evasion and end with 40. They have a fleet with about 90 of them and a single battleship, combined power of about 150k. For missile evasion, strike craft are far superior PD to actual PD, and strike craft have 100 tracking. #1. Flak does less damage per shot, in contrast, but is far better at tracking, which makes it better at destroying highly evasive targets whose evasion capabilities significantly exceed Point Defense's abilities to track. and they do it quite well. Based on that, Flak would always be better than PD, unless shooting at Whirlwind missiles where the slightly higher DPS of PD. Carrier core on the other hand has PD to save the BS from torpedoes but the Strikecraft and Missiles still has to go through armor. Sep 25, 2013 651 375. But it cost minor artifacts. . All corvettes. Single battery is worse than dedicated phaser PD -- but only for 1v1 scenario. Maybe we should re split strikecraft back up into fighters and bombers and make bombers good and powerful especially agianst large ships. Apr 2, 2021; Add bookmark #18 CrazyJ said: the issue is that you guys are going wildly off topic and hijacking a thread about a problem in a sci fi game with an argument about something that is at best tangentially. 6. Against Guardians i usually throw in some Heavy AA Battleships with 75%Flak and 25% PDC + Scout Crafts. As probably most of you know. Toxoids will. However since pd is inaccurate it won’t do exactly the full damage of flak without significantly more than 14 pd. flak is supposed to prioritize strikecraft and PD prioritizes missiles. Technically 14 pd does the same damage as flak. That is why Flak moved from Medium to PD. The differentiation is supposed to be that energy PD is better against missiles while kinetic PD is better against strikecraft. Think about it this way: A single carrier Battleship would carry the maximum of 3 Hangars, each putting out 8 Strike Craft, or 24 SC per carrier. On battleships, late in the game. Also some anti-corvette capabilities. Destroyers counter corvettes. spudwalt • 21 days ago. Introducing the final ship that must fight it out against destroyer spam, the cruiser. They buffed torpedos amd missiles, so you gonna need more pd. There was also fairly vague statement to the effect that. Missiles could remain strong while they had ammo and empasis of the balancing could more be put on strike craft vs PD/flak (nad larger missile hulls that couldnhave more ammo yet be less spammable than corvettes) Does anyone have any concrete and up to date info on this for the current patch? Used to be able to just only build flak and destroy all missiles as well as strike craft no problem, is that still the case or is it necessary to balance and have both if enemy uses both missiles and fighters? So i think that extra tracking would make it more viable vs things like corvettes etc than point defense would be. Best. Both energy and kinetic point defence target all the same targets (torpedos, strikecraft and missiles). Having pickets reduces starbases damage to near 0, and if you fight someone running missiles you slam dunk them. Very n00b-unfriendly. 96 shots/day or 3. Your math on the driller drones works in a vacuum, but in practice, against a fleet of comparable size, they're going to be getting spawnkilled by T3 Strike Craft. 16 Badges. . Flak + Missiles beat PD + Missiles and pure Missile Corvettes. Mono-cruiser fleets are totally viable. That seems off. Artillery/Carrier remains a powerful fleet design in 3. the flak will kill the strikecraft and move on to the missiles faster than the PD can kill the missiles and then move on to the strikecraft. PD has -75% vs armor but is normal against everything else. This is unlocked by a new Robotic Assembly Systems technology. Im aware that all around flak is the better choice But anecdotally it seems the PD handles missles a lot better than the flak. 6 days, or 6. NMCs have more Evasion, which may make them less juicy of targets than SWMs for occupying PD, and two S-slots would output 10 NMCs over the same 4. hull: 15. My current understanding is that pd is better against torps and flak. Unfortunately due to the fact that evasion is capped at 90% and you get a bunch of flat tracking bonuses (most notably sensors giving +15) even a max evasion corvette tends to just get destroyed. Point Defenses have fewer tiers. Outside of combat, strike craft regenerate at the rate displayed. " As missiles and strike craft are long-ranged, it is logical that flak and pd destroyers at mid-range will intercept them, forming a defensive "screen" and. and to bring some flak - otherwise their hundreds of bombers and fighters will be a far greater problem than the handful of lances, gigacannons and aritlleries they field. Can't remember the numbers but I remember someone on reddit did the math back when 2. 47 DPD. They can protect your battleship fleet from torpedo corvettes. 1-3 vs 45=15 shots at max damage. Barrier is 2nd level of energy PD (that was in game always), guardian is 3rd level of it. no it says barrier, never seen it before 2. That was really cool. Welcome to the Stellaris Tech Id Full List, where we will provide you the full list of ids you can use in console commands, cheats and mods. Carriers are situational. Flak vs. You have to keep in mind the damage modifiers for the weapons. My understanding matches yours. The reason armour is terrible is because of 100% armour penetration existing. Sure, but the problem is that usually, a P slot is worth a S slot on every ship part, and the picket bow of the destroyer is the only one where a P slot replaces a M slot or 2 S slots, making the loss of firepower even worse than usual. As a bonus flak does low but existent damage. If the Cruisers stray too far. Lasers would've needed to do only 2000 damage and Kinetic Artillery only 500. PD is better against non-moving targets than Flak. kineticdreamss •• Edited. The Sentinel Point Defense does 1-4 damage vs Flak Battery's 1-3, so I'm inclined to pick the energy PD over the kinetic PD. The design of fleets is a strategy whereby ships with specific properties are combined to achieve a prescribed result. The main advantage of PD is that you are significantly decreasing the DPS of the enemy fleet. While I understand PD hitting bombers in an attack run, since hitting missiles is harder, it doesn't make sense. and they do it quite well. as it stands a fleet of 20 battle ships using 2 flak canons each will get mauled by rockets compared to the same fleet of 20 battle ships using ~6. However Tiyanki are, at least in my games, not extremely common. . I can't imagine that's changed that much. PD, Flak, missiles and hangars to rush in, the same way you described it. Flak: 1-3 vs 35=11 shots at max damage, one of 2. Flak doesn't destroy missiles with the same efficiency, but it makes up for that by actually damaging the enemy ships. It's an okay perk in your last slot, as oftentimes by the time you have seven perks and are. 8 seconds. Apr 19, 2023. PD has 0. And PD does more DPD (2-6 vs 2-8). Basically autocannons are one of best early weapons and one of biggest trap in endgame. Only the Destroyers have Flak or PD for surviving vs Carriers or Missiles. 5 game (observe mode). Once the Flak guns are done destroying Strike Craft, they turn and also help shoot down missiles. There was also fairly vague statement to the effect that. Example: research_technology tech_pd_tracking_1 would research the “Active Countermeasures” Technology. 5 day Cooldown. 12. There are currently. You have to keep in mind the damage modifiers for the weapons. Do not drop the PD destroyers, spiritualist FEs got some missles on their ships, with a few PD destroysers you negate that damage completely (also throw in some flak to counter their strike crafts). This won't really slow down enemy strikecraft too much - they'll still kill you in 2 hits on average- but flak batteries have -75% vs armor, giving you a fair amount of extra health against PD. 0, its like flak but it does 2 more points of damage, 40% less tracking and it is energy rather than kinetic. Maybe this is why I have had better experiences with flak than guardians. The only point of carriers is to add lag to the game, other than that, no point. The key now is a varied fleet. Don't waste your slots on PD, missiles, strike craft, different ranges of weapons - don't waste your time on any of those. 2 with 3. "Why did you move the Flak Battery/Artillery to the "P" slot?" Because having Point Defense weaponry in normal slots caused all kinds of balance issues. Does anyone have any concrete and up to date info on this for the current patch? Used to be able to just only build flak and destroy all missiles as well as strike craft no problem, is that still the case or is it necessary to balance and have both if. 48 per 0. . A carrier hanging back for its hangar's range,while having PD and Flak, and a cruiser with long and medium kinetics and lasers sitting at medium range. Ah, got it. So while the raw damage might be in favor of PD, plasma weapons are never dealing their base. Flak Battery has 2. If it's only missile targets then stick to the lasers as their tracking is good enough for those and the higher base damage makes them better. While Stellaris as a game engine isn't a fleet control RTS, it definitely could use some better mechanisms to allow artillery/carrier ships to turn and burn to try to maintain their range. 1 giu 2016, ore 3:48 the firing speed of flak is ~2. My main issue is that flak needs people during combat, point defense does not (if charged) - so I would suggest to either make PD use one person vs. Yes destroyers do PD better but you are forgetting that PD is utterly useless. AI after 20x repeatables? Disruptors ignore repeated armor upgrades but you still got that worthless strikecraft there that won't survive PD and still has to go through armor. A couple of weeks ago I asked about the differences between the PD series (from the physics branch) and Flak series (from the engineering branch) of piont defense weapon systems. Your PD isn’t bringing down his shields, but his flak in high numbers is tearing through yours. 2 was latest version. Furthermore most large weapons gained minimum range. So basically flak is just a. Flak also counts kinetic weapons, so should be affected by both kinetic +dmg/+ias techs & teldar modules. That is why we got XL and T slots added in the 1. Question is, will flak guns (or anything) shoot down torpedos? Technically PD guns -should- do this. I've been using point defense on my corvettes and they catch most of the missiles. The progression for Point-Defense is shown on the Wiki as Tier-0 Sentinel PD, T2 ( 6000 base research) Barrier PD, T4 (16000) Guardian PD. . One thing that may help you is having a clear idea on what evasion, tracking and accurancy are: Evasion is a percentage value for the ship, that represents the possibility to not get hit by enemy. Specifically laser/railgun SC will be strong vs hull instead of vs armor/shields, but other weapons have the usual modifiers. Also PD on battleships is horrible in general, because they are too slow to cover the fast advance of your corvette and destroyer forces. Only difference is damage (1-3/1-4. Question is, will flak guns (or anything) shoot down torpedos? Technically PD guns -should- do this. Yes they are good, especially since they can go on battleship m slots, they are also useful for flak destroyers. 8 second reload times though, so you're gonna get 2 shots (assuming the speed numbers mean what they should) - 1 initial and then another 0. So, PD can negate T2 Missiles, but T5 Missiles are left with 10 Evasion. PD has 25% more max damage (but the same min damage) vs Flack - at all 3 tiers. Is flak a flat upgrade?Im aware that all around flak is the better choice But anecdotally it seems the PD handles missles a lot better than the flak. Based on that, Flak would always be better than PD, unless shooting at Whirlwind missiles where the slightly higher DPS of PD is better (Marauder Missiles have 40 evasion, so still 10 evasion vs max tier PD) The balance point on Flak with Strike Craft (and similarly Point Defense with Guided Weapons) is in determining how many Flak attacks are going to go against an SC squadron at a time. So it's my understanding that PD works better against missiles because of higher dps and no evasion on the missiles and Flak works better against strike craft because of high tracking against high evasion. 13th has to be 2 or above. Finally, don't despair. and they do it quite well. Does anyone have any concrete and up to date info on this for the current patch? Used to be able to just only build flak and destroy all missiles as well as strike craft no problem, is that still the case or is it necessary to balance and have both if. Advanced energy weapons require Rare Crystals and Exotic Gases to build and operate. But how does the Flak do damage? Is it one. Next to fire are the lasers in the L-Slots. One poster had stated while in the past Flak Artillery was unambigiously the best PD weapon system in the game. In this video I review the combat effectiveness of Point Defenses against Torpedoes and Missiles in the. One poster had stated while in the past Flak Artillery was unambigiously the best PD weapon system in the game. Stellaris fighting is a big RNG you can help by choosing the right weapon for the right enemy. There's no in between. • 10 mo. shields: 18. The methodology was quite simple – ensure that costs of participating fleets are equal, end-game tier 5 tech, mixed weapons/defenses (in most cases, when testing. Flak is kinetic so better vs shields. And if they get Flak Cruiser support, Destroyers are kinda obsolete in your fleet. Sep 25, 2013 654 375. 4 tracking less than Flack at all 3 tiers. Does anyone have any concrete and up to date info on this for the current patch? Used to be able to just only build flak and destroy all missiles as well as strike craft no problem, is that still the case or is it necessary to balance and have both if. a L version wiht way longer range could help alleviate the problem, plus they dont have damages. However since pd is inaccurate it won’t do exactly the full damage of flak without significantly more than 14 pd. Does anyone have any concrete and up to date info on this for the current patch? Used to be able to just only build flak and destroy all missiles as well as strike craft no problem, is that still the case or is it necessary to balance and have both if. Missiles work great early game, vs pirates especially, and give you a good shot in early AI wars if any. Once you break through shields it's practically useless though. Still learning combat and I thought I had decent missile defense. Now I'm looking at the numbers and wondering if autocannons would be better vs strike craft than flak? Way higher average damage. 00 hit. The fight is very "sharp". The main use I have found Flak corvettes semi-useful for is early game vs Amoeba mother craft. There was also fairly vague statement to the effect that. Focus on getting combat computer tech and use swarm. Just think about it. Special strike craft are unlocked with the following technology combos:Stellaris > Discussioni generali > Dettagli della discussione. Carrier cruisers fitted with triple swarmer missiles and an AB will dominate everything in the early game. The earliest you can use Strike Craft offensively is with Cruisers, which gives cruisers a. if only one or the other is present, flak is probably better since it's higher tier technology, but it can be risky to replace all PD with flak if you run into someone who uses both missile/torpedo weapons and strikcraft since the flak will ignore those as long as there are bombers and fighters. Accedi Negozio Comunità Assistenza Cambia la lingua Visualizza il sito web per desktop. Now I'm looking at the numbers and wondering if autocannons would be better vs strike craft than flak? Way higher average damage. This seems to line up to Missile defense (Point-defense) as well. . True? Σύνδεση ΚατάστημαAfter researching Flak Batteries in this latest patch, I'm wondering if there's any purpose to consider using point defense again. PD is good for targetting missiles. 4 carriers, 22 artillery battleships and a titan is a solid fleet composition for late game. Now I'm looking at the numbers and wondering if autocannons would be better vs strike craft than flak? Way higher average damage. Just stick with long-range and XL spinal mount. PD is slightly harder hitting, Flak can reach a higher Tracking. lil less damage sure but you gotta hit in the first place to do dmg lol Against anything bigger than Fighters both PD types are useless. (PD guns vs missiles, flak vs craft) are very cost-effective at shutting them down. If you consolidate the 3. Plasma has -75% damage vs shields. It's no secret that Flak and PD can do fine against the hull of opponents; with several caveats: Flak is much better early game; due to the tracking/evasion at that stage. There used to be a bug (might still exist) where flak would not fire at missiles if hostile fighters were in system and PD would not fire at fighters if hostile missiles were in system. If they are using missiles (lol) or a lot of Strike Craft put on more PD, especially flak artillery. Sep 25, 2013 652 375. 129. 20 PD corvette, 20 neutron frigate, 1 titan for aura, 24 picket cruiser. Pd does more damage but has no tracking. So it's my understanding that PD works better against missiles because of higher dps and no evasion on the missiles and Flak works better against strike craft because of high tracking against high evasion. Random. Torpedos and missiles have good tracking so they are a general exception, they are countered primarily by PD and strike craft, secondary by Flak and sometimes shields (missiles only). If the target's evasion is 20 more than the EPD's. In this video I review the combat effectiveness of Point Defenses against Torpedoes and Missiles in the. • 9 mo. As a result, Picket Destroyers are a ship you. It would be wise to give an accurate description of which mods you play with to get opinions worth something. I got spanked by an AE, and then rebuilt with Flak Artillery and was winning outnumbered 2:1. Therefore, when creating your Stellaris destroyer, you should consider the case if it is worth it. True?Ok so point defense weapon can shhot down missles. Stellaris: Early Game Fleet Combat Meta - PD Testing. You either have "enough Point Defense/Flak Cannons", or "Not Enough". PD is energy and has slightly higher base damage which is meant to make them better at taking out incoming missiles. Practically pd takes energy rather than ammo and since it doesn’t require a factory it ends up being cheaper, it also has a much wider shooting arc. Now I'm looking at the numbers and wondering if autocannons would be better vs strike craft than flak? Way higher average damage. Towards the midgame you'll start leaning towards torps. Afaik everyone came to the same result there - line computer beats every other computer, giga wins in arty vs arty, tl wins in line vs line, and aside from line computer (assuming you don’t have unreliable special components like precog or enigmatic), range and tracking is otherwise king due to accuracy cap on to hit chance. 16 Badges. Your PD isn’t bringing down his shields, but his flak in high numbers is tearing through yours. classic torp are extremely energy/cost efficient deal insane damages but are easily countered and ignore shield. . Honestly I think Stellaris could use more asymmetrical shipbuilding options, and neutron launchers as indisputably the best weapon (which they are, currently) but which can be countered fits that bill exactly. Point defense. Flak has the tracking to be effective against Corvettes with early-game tech; this will allow the flak to deal meaningful damage to enemy ships while their missiles reload (or if they don't use missiles at all). With how much more dangerous missiles, torpedoes, and strike craft have become with the next update. [deleted] •. Please note that unlike evasion PD is a hard counter, so if your enemy has any PD then first N shots are shot down and the rest are going through so increasing amount of G weapons by X% is guaranteed to increase damage dealt by more than X%; if half of your missiles are shot down than. A single Scout Wing has 30 hull, so it takes 30 / 2. 17 needs to be 2 or 3. Long answer: They’re both good if used well. no it says barrier, never seen it before 2. That being said, at 2200. Also: - there is tier 4 laser PD. See full list on gametaco. flak is supposed to prioritize strikecraft and PD prioritizes missiles. . Yeah, knew that lol Guardian PD also has 30 tracking and flak has 70. . In Stellaris, at least you get a battle report, but I agree that it's clunky and nowhere near as detailed enough. True?The late game threats - Fallen Empires, Prethoryn, Unbidden, etc. 9 vs. Also, part of the big problem is overkill.